Easiest way to enable fixed column within shapeworks studio?

Hello, I have a set of 500 multi object particle files that resulted from a shapeworks PDM optimization process. I want to obtain the correspondence points of new shapes using these 500 particle sets. After looking at the documentation, it seems that the project xml has an option to do that through:
“fixed_subjects_column”: “fixed”,
“fixed_subjects_choice”: “yes”

However, in shapeworks studio it seems that option is not there, is there an easy way to stay mostly within the shapeworks studio framework and setup fixed subjects? I tried creating the inital project xlsx spreadsheet with a fixed column but that didn’t seem to work.
Thank you!

The option is not exposed in Studio since it is a fairly advanced feature. We will add it though.

It should still work as long as it’s in the spreadsheet. You may be missing the “use_fixed_subjects” option though. Try this:

    "use_fixed_subjects": "1",
    "fixed_subjects_column": "fixed",
    "fixed_subjects_choice": "yes"

Thank you for the response
Just to understand, would these 3 options be switched in the xlsx or a different file? i tried to find other editable files with those options but failed to do so.

In the project xlsx file, in the optimization tab