Importing Data for Multiple Domains SSM

Hi, I was just wondering if someone could explain how to add multiple shape columns when importing data in order to use the Multiple Domains SSM function?


The easiest way is to use Excel or OpenOffice Calc to create a spreadsheet with two columns, one for each anatomy/domain. Something like this:


Hi Alan, just a quick follow-up question. How are the segmentation files inputted into each cell (on excel)? Is each segmentation file inserted as a link?

They should just be a filename, with a relative path from the location of the Excel file. For example:


If they are in a segmentations folder relative to the project file.

Thanks for all you help! When I try to import the excel file (.xlsx) into the program it doesn’t show up as a supported file format option. The only supported files being .nrrd .nii .nii.gz .mha .vtk .ply .vtp .obj .stl
Is there a different way to import the spreadsheet?

Studio will use the XLSX file as the project. You can use File-Open.

Import is for importing shapes into the project.

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