Hi there. I am trying to run group comparisons for multiple distal tibias. I have 10 models loaded, groomed, and optimized, however, I am having trouble separating my models anatomy 2 groups of 4. I have tried going into the spreadsheets and adding two columns: “Group_1” and “group_2” with yes/no depending on the group, but when I reopen the project after this point, I get a “unable to load project” error. Can someone help me with this?
Is there more to the error message? Could you send me just the spreadsheet file? amorris@sci.utah.edu
This is the spread sheet I used. There is no more to the message.
Hmm. I replaced the particle and nrrd file cells with ones that exist on my system and was able to load it in ShapeWorks Studio 6.3.2. Though perhaps you might try in the latest release candidate of 6.4 as the project file support has been significantly updated with many fixes:
Hi there,
It will not allow me to download it on my mac because it is giving me a “cannot be sure it is free from malware” error.
Are you able to tell me the steps of how to create groups in shapeworks? I have been trying for a couple days now and cannot figure it out.
The only steps are to add new columns to the spreadsheet with the prefix “group_” where is the name of the group and the subject values (rows) are the group membership for each subject.
hi again,
thanks for the help, for some reason shapeworks was not allowing me to open files with new columns, but I am able to now. However, I am getting this error when trying to tun group comparison (pictured below). I have run install_shapeworks.sh on my computer and tried this again and I am still getting this error. Any ideas?
Are you able to import shapeworks in a python interpreter?
From a terminal:
conda activate shapeworks
import shapeworks
Hi again,
Sorry for the long time between the replies. Would you be able to clarify how I would do this and why it would help? I open terminal and ran what you suggested, and it told me that there was no shapeworks found?
Can you send the terminal output from:
source ./install_shapeworks.sh
Is the shapeworks conda environment being created?
Hi there. I have been trying to trouble shoot this issue still am a running into one problem. In terminal, I can activate shapeworks and open a python terminal, but I cannot import shapeworks. I have gone in circles re installing, updated, and checking everything, but I cannot find an issue. The terminal shell is listed below:
"kristinbindas@Kristins-MBP-2 ~ % conda activate shapeworks
(shapeworks) kristinbindas@Kristins-MBP-2 ~ % python
Python 3.7.16 (default, Jan 17 2023, 09:28:58)
[Clang 14.0.6 ] :: Anaconda, Inc. on darwin
Type “help”, “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information.
import shapeworks
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘shapeworks’"
In addition to this, this is the new error message I am receiving when trying to compare
Can you send me the output of source install_shapeworks.sh
? amorris@sci.utah.edu
kristinbindas@Kristins-MBP-2 ~ % source install_shapeworks.sh
source: no such file or directory: install_shapeworks.sh
Sorry, I mean:
cd /Applications/ShapeWorks
source install_shapeworks.sh
Assuming ShapeWorks was installed to /Applications/ShapeWorks
It will not let me attach the output as it is too many characters. I have emailed it to you
(Attachment Terminal Saved Output.txt is missing)
I haven’t seen the email. Can you try sending it again?