About contour domains

Does shapeworks support shape model for 2D shape analysis (Contour based cases)? In the ‘Use cases’ it seems to be OK to analysis shape model for contour domains. But when i import 2D data, Errors jumped out suggesting that the data must be 3D.

Yes, ShapeWorks supports contour data, what file format are you using? @amorris

The types of contours we are currently supporting are as a series of points/lines in VTK files.

Are you trying to use a 2D image segmentation? If so, we can investigate a way to convert it.

Yes,we tried to use 2D shape image segmentation,which was acquired from
3Dslicer. The file format is nrrd and the image is a 2D plane rather than some lines. Is there any tools to convert it?Thank you!

---- Replied Message ----

From | Alan Morris via ShapeWorksnotifications@shapeworks.discoursemail.com |

| amorris
September 7 |

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The types of contours we are currently supporting are as a series of points/lines in VTK files.

Are you trying to use a 2D image segmentation? If so, we can investigate a way to convert it.

The file format is nrrd,a 2D shape segmentation from 3Dslicer.

---- Replied Message ----

From | Shireen Elhabian via ShapeWorksnotifications@shapeworks.discoursemail.com |

| shireen Leader
September 7 |

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Yes, ShapeWorks supports contour data, what file format are you using? @amorris

I believe the vtkContourFilter can do this for 2D, but I don’t know that there is a ready-made tool to convert this at the moment.


Thank you very much,I will try it.

---- Replied Message ----

From | Alan Morris via ShapeWorksnotifications@shapeworks.discoursemail.com |

| amorris
September 8 |

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I believe the vtkContourFilter can do this for 2D, but I don’t know that there is a ready-made tool to convert this at the moment.
