Fitting new shape with DTs as groomed files


When I try to use distance transforms for the groomed files, trying to fit a new shape:
I am getting the error
“Initializing variables…terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::runtime_error’
what(): Domain 0: : Distance transform queried for a Point, [-125.563, -132.04, -123.201], outside the given image domain. Consider increasing the narrow band
Aborted (core dumped)”

I have seen a previous topic similarly, and checked my image spacing is 1x1x1.
My narrow band is set at 1e10
Any ideas?

Are you certain your inputs are distance transforms (image values contain the distance to the surface) and not segmentations (0/1 binary label map)?

Is the zero level set (surface) at least a few voxels away from the edge of the image?