MICCAI Workshop on Shape in Medical Imaging (ShapeMI)
Vancouver, Canada, Oct. 8th, 2023
We gladly announce the workshop for Shape in Medical Imaging (SHAPEMI, https://shapemi.github.io/) to be held in conjunction with the conference on MICCAI – Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions, in Vancouver, Canada, on Oct. 8th, 2023.
Aim and Scope
Shape and geometry processing methods are receiving increased attention, notably in medical imaging. This workshop provides a presentation venue for researchers working in shape and geometrical analysis, such as shape modeling, geometric learning, and statistics. This year’s edition also brings a focus on applications. Original contributions as well as well as exciting applications in medical imaging involving shapes are sought in the form of 12-15 page full papers or 6-11 page short papers in LNCS style. Accepted papers will be presented at ShapeMI 2023 in the form of posters or oral presentations. Every accepted paper can include a live demo.
Targets topics include, but are not limited to:
- Shape Processing and Analysis
- Shape Learning and Classification
- Geometric Learning and Manifold-based Methods
- Statistics of Shapes and Deformations
- Spectral Shape Analysis
- Spectral Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction
- Shape Modeling and Representation
- Shape Segmentation, Registration and Correspondence
- Geometry-constrained Deep Learning and Optimization
- Statistical Shape Modeling
- Synthetic Anatomical Shape Generation
- Generative Shape Models
- Longitudinal Shape Analysis and Processing
- Medical Applications focused on Shape Analysis
- Evaluation / quality assessment of shape models
- Relevant demos of freely available shape analysis software
This years’ keynote speakers include:
- Prof. Miaomiao Zhang, University of Virginia
- Prof. Steve Pizer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
This workshop will provide an invaluable opportunity for researchers to present recent work on shape analysis in medical imaging. Interactions among fellow researchers will foster a deeper understanding of the underlying concepts and will provide insights on medical imaging applications.
Best Paper Award Sponsored by Kitware.
- Deadline for paper submission: June 30th, 2023, 23:59 PST
- Notification of Acceptance: August, 18, 2023; 11:59 PM PST
- MICCAI Early bird registration: August, 2023
- SHAPEMI Workshop on: Oct. 8th, 2023
For more information:
Inquiries at: