Hello Alan ,
I am working for knee bone morphing , initially i am trying with 22 left Femurs , i groomed using (ICP) alignment data (input in .stl format) , and i did the optimization in the shape works studio .
now my current goal is to create the mean shape of 22 left Femurs
now i have a few questions to ask you for more clarification ?
1.can the shape works studio can create the mean shape of 22 left Femur bones?
if yes means , how to do that in the shape works studio ?
i have tried with only groomed_world.particles files to generate the mean shape using python.
I am tried with PythonAPI with groomed_world.particles to generate to mean shape of 22 left femur but i could not do that , that why i am asking what are files required to mean shape of anatomy (groomed icp alignment .vtk files , groomed_local.particles , groomed_world.particles )
Here is the code for generating the mean shape using only world.particles
import shapeworks as sw
import os
import glob
Step 1: Define folder path for knee particle files
particle_files_folder = “/home/ragavan/shapeworks/Femur/knee_particles/”
Step 2: Load only ‘world’ particle files from the folder
particle_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(particle_files_folder, “world.particles”)))
Check if files are found
if not particle_files:
raise ValueError(f"No world particle files found in {particle_files_folder}")
Step 3: Initialize a Project
project = sw.Project()
Step 4: Add subjects (particles) to the Project
for particle_file in particle_files:
project.add_subject(particle_file) # Ensure the correct method to add particles to the project
Step 5: Create an Analyze object by passing the project
analyze = sw.Analyze(project)
Step 6: Compute the mean shape points using the Analyze class
mean_shape_points = analyze.get_mean_shape_points()
Step 7: Save the mean shape as a VTK file
mean_shape_output_path = “/home/ragavan/shapeworks/mean_shape_world.vtk”
print(f"Mean shape saved to {mean_shape_output_path}")