Can not optimize


I am working on knee bone morphing using Statistical Shape Modeling (SSM) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). I have uploaded 22 left-side femur bones and successfully aligned them using Iterative Closest Point (ICP) in ShapeWorks Studio. This process generated 22 groomed .vtk files.

However, when I import these groomed .vtk files into ShapeWorks Studio for optimization, the “Run Optimize” button remains disabled.

Do I need to upload the original .stl files along with their corresponding groomed .vtk files for optimization to work?

The groomed files will already be loaded in ShapeWorksStudio when grooming is complete. Studio will keep track of both and you can choose which is displayed using the combobox at the bottom of the viewer. There is no need to import the groomed meshes and in fact they will have the alignment applied, so it is better if you don’t.