Shapeworks in Python

I have .stl file for which I want to perform SSM in python. Can you tell how to load, groom and optimize the geometry using Shapeworks in python? Also is it possible to save and visualize all the shape variations in python is we are using Shapework library? If yes then how?

ShapeWorksStudio is an easier tool especially for visualizing the results.

However, you can perform all of the steps in python.

Examples are given here:

Thank you sharing the link.
But as per the code shared in the link which is also pasted below,
'# -- coding: utf-8 --

Full Example Pipeline for Statistical Shape Modeling with ShapeWorks

This example is set to serve as a test case for new ShapeWorks users, and each
step is explained in the shapeworks including the pre-processing, the
optimization and, the post ShapeWorks visualization.

First import the necessary modules
import os
import glob
import subprocess
import shapeworks as sw

def Run_Pipeline(args):
print(“\nStep 1. Acquire Data\n”)

We define dataset_name which determines which dataset to download from 
the portal and the directory to save output from the use case in. 

dataset_name = "ellipsoid"
output_directory = "Output/ellipsoid/"
if not os.path.exists(output_directory):

# If running a tiny_test, then download subset of the data
if args.tiny_test:
    dataset_name = "ellipsoid_tiny_test"
    args.use_single_scale = 1
    sw.download_dataset(dataset_name, output_directory)
    dataset_name = "ellipsoid_1mode"
    file_list = sorted(glob.glob(output_directory +
                                 dataset_name + "/segmentations/*.nrrd"))[:3]
# Else download the entire dataset
    dataset_name = "ellipsoid"
    sw.download_dataset(dataset_name, output_directory)
    dataset_name = "ellipsoid_1mode"
    file_list = sorted(glob.glob(output_directory +
                                 dataset_name + "/segmentations/*.nrrd"))

    # Select representative data if using subsample
    if args.use_subsample:
        inputImages =[sw.Image(filename) for filename in file_list]
        sample_idx =, int(args.num_subsample))
        file_list = [file_list[i] for i in sample_idx]

print("\nStep 2. Groom - Data Pre-processing\n")
Step 2: GROOM
The following grooming steps are performed:
    - Crop (cropping first makes resampling faster)
    - Resample to have isotropic spacing
    - Pad with zeros
    - Compute alignment transforms to use in optimization
    - Compute distance transforms
For more information about grooming, please refer to:

# Create a directory for groomed output
groom_dir = output_directory + 'groomed/'
if not os.path.exists(groom_dir):

We loop over the shape segmentation files and load the segmentations
and apply the intial grooming steps
# list of shape segmentations
shape_seg_list = []
# list of shape names (shape files prefixes) to be used for saving outputs
shape_names = []
for shape_filename in file_list:
    print('Loading: ' + shape_filename)
    # get current shape name
    shape_name = shape_filename.split('/')[-1].replace('.nrrd', '')
    # load segmentation
    shape_seg = sw.Image(shape_filename)

    # do initial grooming steps
    print("Grooming: " + shape_name)
     # Individually crop each segmentation using a computed bounding box
    iso_value = 0.5  # voxel value for isosurface
    bounding_box = sw.ImageUtils.boundingBox([shape_seg], iso_value).pad(2)
    # Resample to isotropic spacing using linear interpolation
    antialias_iterations = 30   # number of iterations for antialiasing
    iso_spacing = [1, 1, 1]     # isotropic spacing
    shape_seg.antialias(antialias_iterations).resample(iso_spacing, sw.InterpolationType.Linear).binarize()
    # Pad segmentations with zeros
    pad_size = 5    # number of voxels to pad for each dimension
    pad_value = 0   # the constant value used to pad the segmentations
    shape_seg.pad(pad_size, pad_value)
To find the alignment transforms and save them for optimization,
we must break the loop to select a reference segmentation
ref_index = sw.find_reference_image_index(shape_seg_list)
ref_seg = shape_seg_list[ref_index].write(groom_dir + 'reference.nrrd')
ref_name = shape_names[ref_index]
print("Reference found: " + ref_name)

Now we can loop over all of the segmentations again to find the rigid
alignment transform and compute a distance transform
rigid_transforms = [] # Save rigid transform matrices
for shape_seg, shape_name in zip(shape_seg_list, shape_names):
    print('Finding alignment transform from ' + shape_name + ' to ' + ref_name)
    # Get rigid transform
    iso_value = 0.5      # voxel value for isosurface
    icp_iterations = 100 # number of ICP iterations
    rigid_transform = shape_seg.createRigidRegistrationTransform(
        ref_seg, iso_value, icp_iterations)
    # Convert to vtk format for optimization
    rigid_transform = sw.utils.getVTKtransform(rigid_transform)

    # Convert segmentations to smooth signed distance transforms
    print("Converting " + shape_name + " to distance transform")
    iso_value = 0   # voxel value for isosurface
    sigma = 1.5     # for Gaussian blur

# Save distance transforms
groomed_files = sw.utils.save_images(groom_dir + 'distance_transforms/', shape_seg_list,
                                shape_names, extension='nrrd', compressed=True, verbose=True)

# Get data input (meshes if running in mesh mode, else distance transforms)
domain_type, groomed_files =, args.mesh_mode)

print("\nStep 3. Optimize - Particle Based Optimization\n")
Step 3: OPTIMIZE - Particle Based Optimization

Now that we have the groomed representation of data we create 
the spreadsheet for the shapeworks particle optimization routine.
For more details on the plethora of parameters for shapeworks please refer 

# Create project spreadsheet
project_location = output_directory
if not os.path.exists(project_location):
# Set subjects
subjects = []
number_domains = 1
for i in range(len(shape_seg_list)):
    subject = sw.Subject()
    rel_seg_files = sw.utils.get_relative_paths([os.getcwd() + '/' + file_list[i]], project_location)
    rel_groom_files = sw.utils.get_relative_paths([os.getcwd() + '/' + groomed_files[i]], project_location)
    transform = [ rigid_transforms[i].flatten() ]
# Set project
project = sw.Project()
parameters = sw.Parameters()

# Create a dictionary for all the parameters required by optimization
parameter_dictionary = {
    "number_of_particles": 128,
    "use_normals": 0,
    "normals_strength": 10.0,
    "checkpointing_interval": 1000,
    "keep_checkpoints": 0,
    "iterations_per_split": 1000,
    "optimization_iterations": 1000,
    "starting_regularization": 10,
    "ending_regularization": 1,
    "relative_weighting": 1,
    "initial_relative_weighting": 0.05,
    "procrustes_interval": 0,
    "procrustes_scaling": 0,
    "save_init_splits": 0,
    "verbosity": 0
# If running a tiny test, reduce some parameters
if args.tiny_test:
    parameter_dictionary["number_of_particles"] = 32
    parameter_dictionary["optimization_iterations"] = 25
# Run multiscale optimization unless single scale is specified
if not args.use_single_scale:
    parameter_dictionary["multiscale"] = 1
    parameter_dictionary["multiscale_particles"] = 32

# Add param dictionary to spreadsheet
for key in parameter_dictionary:
    parameters.set(key, sw.Variant([parameter_dictionary[key]]))
project.set_parameters("optimize", parameters)
spreadsheet_file = output_directory + "ellipsoid_" + args.option_set + ".swproj"

# Run optimization
optimize_cmd = ('shapeworks optimize --progress --name ' + spreadsheet_file).split()

# If tiny test or verify, check results and exit
sw.utils.check_results(args, spreadsheet_file)

print("\nStep 4. Analysis - Launch ShapeWorksStudio")
Step 4: ANALYZE - open in studio
For more information about the analysis step, see:
analyze_cmd = ('ShapeWorksStudio ' + spreadsheet_file).split()

It when we want to have analysis in shapework software. But for my work I want the analysis in the python. Where I can visualize shapes, modes in python. Can you please help or share the code where even the analysis part is also done in python.

Yes, it depends on what analysis you want to perform. ShapeWorksStudio is the primary analysis tool as it allows interactive analysis of shape models.

However many tasks can be performed via Python and are demonstrated in the use cases. For example, in the following use case, PCA analysis is performed and plots generated.

Thank you for your response.
But after saving the meshes after grooming, can I do PCA and generate graphs for different modes and standard deviation in python? If yes then how?

Yes, please take a look at this example:


    # Provide the list of file names
    particle_data = sw.ParticleSystem(local_point_files)
    # Calculate the PCA for the read particle system
    shape_statistics = sw.ParticleShapeStatistics()
    shape_statistics.PCA(particleSystem = particle_data,domainsPerShape=1)
    #Calculate the loadings
    pca_loadings = shape_statistics.pcaLoadings()

    print("\nThe sample size of the dataset is : " , shape_statistics.sampleSize())
    print("\nThe dimensions of the dataset are : ", shape_statistics.numDims()) 
    #Calculate the variance explained by each mode using the eigen values
    eigen_values = np.array(shape_statistics.eigenValues())
    explained_variance = sorted((eigen_values/sum(eigen_values)),reverse=True)
    explained_variance = np.array(explained_variance)*100
    # Cummulative variance
    cumulative_variance = np.array(shape_statistics.percentVarByMode())*100

    #Extract the eigen vectors
    eigen_vectors = np.array(shape_statistics.eigenVectors())
    #Save the loadings
    print("\nSaving the PCA loadings and eigen vectors in the directory : " + pca_dir)
    if len(local_point_files)>3 and not args.tiny_test:

Thank you for your reply.

Can you also tell how to get the particles modes and its variation in between the std after geting the eigen value and eigen vector using python. Also how can we save those particles in .particle file using python.

I am not sure I understand what you are asking. The ParticleShapeStatistics class can provide the eigenVectors and eigenValues. From those you can construct particle sets using combinations from each mode.

We don’t provide a python API for reading particle files as numpy can read/write them as txt files (e.g. np.loadtxt, np.savetxt)

Thank you for your reply.

Can you please help by letting me know how to construct particle sets using combinations from each mode using the eigen value and eigen vector ?

To construct a shape at Mode1+2SD with Mode2+1SD, you would combine:

Mean Particles + (mode1_eigenvalue * 2 * mode1_eigenvector) + (mode2_eigenvalue * 1 * mode2_eigenvector).

Thank you for your reply.

Provide the list of file names

particle_data = sw.ParticleSystem(local_point_files)

But it is not clear how to get Mean particles from particle_data .

You could either use numpy.mean

import numpy as np
particle_data = sw.ParticleSystem(local_point_files)
mean_shape = np.mean(particle_data.Particles(), axis=1, keepdims=True)

Or ShapeWorks analyze:

analyze = sw.Analyze(project)
mean_particles = analyze.get_mean_shape_points()

Thank you for the reply