Shape Model Evaluation

Hi everyone,

I am working on a dataset of around 80 biventricular meshes (multi-domain), and I built a script to explore the parameter space on a subset to determine the best parameters. Until now I then opened the single scripts in Studio to look at compactness, generalization and specificity. I have tried using the shapeEvaluation modules to do this directly from script, but I am getting an error when loading the particleSystem because the files contain different number of particles (I have 5 domains). How can I go around this? Also, if there any example in the documentation on a good strategy for parameter search?

Thanks in advance



We don’t as far as I know have a good document on parameter search.

The shape evaluation and particle system classes are built around single domain processing. You will either concatenate the particle files or use a different approach. In the dev build or 6.4 release candidates, you can run shapeworks analyze and it will output a json file with all of these measures, which will account for multiple domains.

We still need to further develop our analysis python API and is planned.